

東日本大震災 宮城県(石巻市)民間病院の一年

齋藤 仁一

齋藤病院〔〒986―0873 宮城県石巻市山下町1丁目7番24号〕

The Great East Japan Earthquake struck the areas off the Pacific coast of Tohoku on March 11, 2011. The lifelines supplying the hospital were completely disrupted because of this earthquake. The tsunami then hit the area, causing devastating damage, and patients inundated the hospital. This study describes the disorders, conditions, and characteristics of these patients upon presentation at the private hospital. In addition, a survey was conducted in October 2011 regarding this disaster among outpatients who required long-term nursing care. The current situation was reviewed, and problems based upon hospital experiences were discussed. This review was intended to be helpful in the event of any future major disaster.
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(臨床神経, 52:1343−1344, 2012)
key words:東日本大震災,民間病院
