


南部 篤

自然科学研究機構生理学研究所,生体システム研究部門〔〒444―8585 岡崎市明大寺町字西郷中38〕

Malfunctions of the basal ganglia cause movement disorders, such as Parkinson's disease and dystonia. Several models have been proposed to explain the pathophysiology of these disorders: (1) Firing rate model: activity imbalance between the direct and indirect pathways changes the mean firing rate of output nuclei of the basal ganglia and induces hypokinetic or hyperkinetic movement disorders; (2) Firing pattern model: oscillatory and/or synchronized activity observed in the basal ganglia disturbs information processing in the basal ganglia, resulting in motor symptoms; (3) Dynamic activity model: movement-related activity changes through the direct and indirect pathways disrupt balance between movement-related inhibition and surrounding excitation in the output nuclei, and induce motor symptoms. Each model will be critically discussed in this review.
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(臨床神経, 52:1198−1200, 2012)
key words:大脳基底核,大脳基底核疾患,パーキンソン病,病態生理
