Call for Abstract

Call for late-breaking abstract submissions for overseas first authors

Late-breaking Abstract Submissions for overseas first authors are now open for the 66th Annual Meeting of the JSN to enable very recent research findings to be included as oral presentations. Further criteria and session information are as follows:

※Presentation for late-breaking session must be on site (not in a virtual format)

When to submit abstracts

The deadline for submissions will not be extended. Please submit abstracts before the deadline.

March 12 (Wed), 2025 – April 7 (Mon), 2025 at 17:00
in Japan Standard Time.

No matter what the reason, revisions to abstracts after submission deadline will not be accepted.

Abstract submission guidelines

  1. Important notice:

    - The data in the abstract must not be published (manuscript or abstract) prior to the congress.

    - The data in the abstract must not be presented at other academic conferences prior to submission.

    - We give priority to the abstracts of which publication in other journal is confirmed.

    - Call for Late-Breaking Abstract is not intended to be merely an extension of the general abstract submission which has closed in November 2024. The “Late-Breaking Abstract” category allows for the submission of truly late-breaking scientific research for which no preliminary data were available at the time of general abstract submission deadline. Any abstract that fails to meet “Late-Breaking Abstract” requirements will not be considered.

    - Each author has to beware if there is any restriction for presenting the data at the conference before journal publication.

    - Late Breaking Session will be held on May 21 (Wednesday) P.M.

    - Details of presentation will be announced by email.

    - Presenter must be the first author.

  2. How to submit abstracts
    • Submit ONLY ONE abstract per first author, with the exception of co-presenters.
      *Registration by first author in person is required.
    • Please send the Word file of Late-Breaking abstract submission form and the original article that will be published in a journal to as an e-mail attachment.

    Late Breaking abstract submission form

  3. Information to submit
    • Language of presentation: English
    • Presentation format: oral presentation
    • Principal presenter and co-presenter names: No more than 20 presenters
    • Principal presenter and co-presenter affiliations: No more than 10 affiliations
    • Abstract title: No more than 100 half - width (1-byte) characters including space in English
    • Abstract

      - Abstracts should be submitted in English.

      - Abstracts should be no more than 1,600 half-width (1-byte) characters including space in English.

      - The abstract should be divided into succinct sections for "Objective," "Methods," "Results," "Conclusions," and so on. There is no need for line breaks after headings or between the lines. It wouldn't be reflected on the book of abstracts, even if you used the tag to add a line break.

      - Incomplete abstracts (i.e. abstracts with typos, with missing letters/words, lacking concrete numbers, without "Objective," "Methods," "Results," and "Conclusions" sections, etc.) will not be accepted, so please be especially careful when preparing abstracts for submission.

      - If your abstract (paper) is decided to be published in any other journals, please let us know the date of publication of the journal. (also, let us know if there is any restriction for opening the data at the conference before journal publication.)

      Late-Breaking Abstracts are not included in the book of abstract, the pocket program or Clinical Neurology. They are available on the app (online abstract browsing system.)

  4. Guidelines for ethical considerations
    The submitting author certifies that any work with human or animal subjects reported in this abstract complies with the guiding principles for experimental procedures endorsed by the ethical review board of the country in which the study was done. Abstracts must comply with relevant ethical guidelines for human and/or animal research, and authors may be asked to supply additional documentation.
  5. Guidelines for abstract contents

    - Submitted abstracts will be peer-reviewed, so please avoid any mention of your affiliation in the title or body of your abstract.

    - When referring to drugs by name, please be certain to use the generic name.

    - If the content infringes upon patients' personal information, informed consent must be obtained from the patient or their representative and the presentation must carefully avoid identifying any individuals. We prohibit presentations that include information, such as hospitalization dates or age, that could be used to identify individuals.

  6. Others

    - The office will not request revisions for accepted abstracts. Revisions to abstracts after the annual meeting will not be accepted, so please prepare your abstracts with care.

    - Please be noted that withdrawal of abstract after acceptance will not be permitted.

Disclosures of conflicts of interest

To promote appropriate forms of collaborative clinical research between industry and academia and ensure neutrality and transparency in presentations on clinical research findings based on sound science and ethics, all presenters are expected to disclose any "conflicts of interest" (COI).

When submitting proposals, please select "yes" or "no" in the field for "Do you have any conflicts of interest?" on the screen. If "yes," then please download and fill out the COI application form and send it to The Japanese Society of Neurology Secretariat office ( as an e-mail attachment no later than submission deadline. Technical questions regarding conflicts of interest should be directed to the society office as well.

Notification of Acceptance

Acceptance/non-acceptance of the Late-breaking abstracts will be announced around the middle of April by e-mail. The decision on abstract acceptance is entirely up to the reviewers team.

Online registration by May 7 is required of all Late-Breaking abstract presenting authors (first authors.) Please understand that the abstracts of unregistered presenting authors on May 7 (Monday) will be withdrawn.

- Session & time allocation will be announced by e-mail.

How to contact us

For inquiries regarding Late-Breaking abstract submissions

The Japanese Society of Neurology Secretariat
Ichimaru Bldg., 2-31-21 Yushima, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0034

*Contact available with the secretariat is on WEEKDAY ONLY.