Rinsho Shinkeigaku (Clinical Neurology)


How to write a case report effectively

Akiyuki Hiraga, M.D., Ph.D.1)

1) Department of Neurology, Chiba Rosai Hospital

Case reports are designed for sharing a clinician's personal experiences and providing readers with useful information on the insights and pitfalls of clinical practice. They require appropriate case selections, satisfactory literature searches, accurate case reporting, targeted journal submission, and effective responses to the reviewers. This sequential process provides a great learning experience for young physicians and can kickstart their academic/scientific careers. The first steps to writing a case report are that a clinician should always note the pathogenesis and anatomy of their patients. Consider the atypical character of their patient; make it a daily habit to research the relevant literature. Clinicians should remember that case reports should not focus only on the rarity of a disease. A reportable case needs to provide a clear “learning point”. A well-written case report should be clear, concise, coherent, and convey a crisp takehome message for the reader.
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(CLINICA NEUROL, 63: 305|313, 2023)
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(Received: 30-Jul-22)