


西澤 正豊

新潟大学脳研究所神経内科学分野〔〒951―8585 新潟市中央区旭町通1番町757〕

The current system qualifying the specialty for neurology in the Japanese Society of Neurology has many problems that need solutions as soon as possible: Is the professionalism of our neurologists guaranteed by the present qualification examination and continuous education thereafter? How many professional neurologists should be trained in our country to fulfill our duties? Are they adequately distributed among local areas? The training programs of neurology should be approved by our Society according to the quality of the program, and the number of the trainees should be determined by the number of teaching stuff and of cases of the hospitals. Until a council like Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education in the United States is established in Japan, it is desirable that we regulate autonomously by ourselves the adequate number and the quality of our board-certified neurologists. For this purpose, we must have our own "Code of Professional Conduct" without delay.
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(臨床神経, 52:1031−1032, 2012)
key words:専門性,専門医綱領,専門性教育,神経内科専門医,日本専門医制評価・認定機構
