


熊本 俊秀

大分大学医学部脳・神経機能統御講座(内科学第3)〔〒879-5593 大分県由布市挾間町医大ヶ丘1-1〕

The new national postgraduated residency program has started from 2004 requiring 2 years super-rotation training program. However, this clinical training system has provided various problems; the numbers of residents has fallen to less than half in University hospital, and a large number of junior and senior residents moved from university hospital to other hospitals and from the country to big town. Also the numbers of residents received the postgraduate neurological clinical training in early 2 years may be decreased in University hospital, especially in country. This change directly resulted in transferring the burden of residents onto senior doctors and faculty staffs. Because the numbers of doctors were decreased even in University hospital, large numbers of hospital including special hospital for neurological diseases are faced with a serious problem of the doctorless. This article summarized the problems with discussion.

(臨床神経, 47:815−816, 2007)
key words:新医師臨床研修制度, 神経内科, 医師不足
