Rinsho Shinkeigaku (Clinical Neurology)


A consideration of the effects of aging on psychosomatic symptoms in the elderly

Kazuhiro Niizato, M.D., Ph.D.1)

1) Department of Psychiatry, Tokyo Metropolitan Matsuzawa Hospital

In elderly patients with so-called psychogenic physical symptoms, changes with age of the symptoms were discussed from the standpoint of geriatric psychiatry. In recent years, the diagnostic criteria for psychogenic physical symptoms have been revised and are closer to the definition of psychosomatic disorders. In aging, the aging phenomenon of each body organ progresses, and the brain is no exception. Clinical findings suggest that conventional physical and mental symptoms are alleviated as brain function declines in general. If dementia is added, the speed of relief will increase. In Japan, where super-aging is advancing, the need to focus on the positive aspects of aging is discussed.
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(CLINICA NEUROL, 60: 663|667, 2020)
key words: psychogenic, aging phenomenon, somatic symptoms disorder, illness anxiety disorder, gerotranscendence

(Received: 16-Apr-20)