Rinsho Shinkeigaku (Clinical Neurology)

A proposal

A proposal for diagnostic and clinical assessment criteria for Alzheimer's disease

Mikio Shoji, M.D., PhD.1), Ryozo Kuwano, M.D., PhD.2), Takasi Asada, M.D., PhD.3), Masaki Imagawa, M.D., PhD.4), Susumu Higuchi, M.D., PhD.5), Katsuya Urakami, M.D. PhD.6), Hiroyuki Arai, M.D., PhD.7), Yasuo Ihara, M.D., PhD.8) and The Japanese study group of genome-wide screening for, genes associated with Alzheimer's disease by Advanced Brain Science Project

1)Department of Neurology, Neuroscience, Biophysiological Science, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine and Dentistry
2)Department of Bioinformatics, Genome Science Branch, Center for Bioresource-based Researches, Brain Research Institute, Niigata University
3)Department of Neuropsychiatry, Institute of Clinical Medicine University of Tsukuba
4)Imagawa Clinic
5)Clinical Research Department, National Alcoholism Center Kurihama Hospital
6)Department of Biological Regulation, Faculty of Medicine, Tottori University
7)Department of Geriatric and Complementary Medicine Advanced Research Center for Asian Traditional Medicine Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine
8)Department of Neuropathology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo

To clarify the risk and associated genes of Alzheimer's disease by genome-wide screening, a Japanese study group was organized in 2000 under Yasuo Ihara, Tokyo University, supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Science Research on Priority Areas (C) -Advanced Brain Science Project from Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan. This is the first Japanese consortium study under permission of the ethical committees of the enrolled institutes based on the ethics guidelines for human genome/gene analysis research, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. In this project, 2,000 genome samples from patients with Alzheimer's disease, 2,000 control subjects, and 200 siblings affected with Alzheimer's disease are collected and analyzed. For this purpose, it is necessary to analyze samples from accurately diagnosed Alzheimer patients and controls using standard criteria for diagnosis and neuropsychological evaluation, which have been confirmed by an evidence-based studying a Japanese population. Here, we propose criteria for the diagnosis and clinical assessment of Alzheimer's disease. This proposal consists of a definition of Alzheimer's disease based on recent advances in research, diagnostic criteria based on DSM-IV, NINCDS-ADRDA and ICD-10, exclusion criteria for other dementia disorders, routine and detailed tests for neuropsychological and laboratory evaluations, criteria for neuroimaging and biomarkers, definitive diagnostic criteria and classification of clinical subtypes.

(CLINICA NEUROL, 45: 128|137, 2005)
key words: Alzheimer's disease, diagnosis and clinical assessment, Advanced Brain Science Project, genome-wide screening by the Japanese study group

(Received: 7-Jul-04)