


鈴木 直輝1), 竪山 真規1), 割田 仁1), 井泉 瑠美子1), 西野 一三2), 青木正志1)

1)東北大学大学院医学系研究科神経内科〔〒980―8574 仙台市青葉区星陵町1―1〕

Sporadic inclusion body myositis (sIBM) is an intractable and progressive skeletal muscle disease of unknown cause and without effective treatment. The etiology of sIBM is still unknown, however genetic factors, aging, life styles, environmental factors may be involved. sIBM is generally refractory to current therapy, such as steroid or immunosuppressants. To elucidate the pathomechanism of sIBM is the most important way to make therapeutic approach. In this review we estimated the prevalence of sIBM in Japan and discuss the pathomechanism of sIBM.
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(臨床神経, 51:964−966, 2011)
key words:封入体筋炎,発症率,筋病理,縁取り空胞,炎症細胞
