

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging InitiativeとMild cognitive impairment

荒井 啓行

東北大学医学系研究科 老年病態学/先進漢方治療医学講座〔〒980-8574 仙台市青葉区星陵町1-1〕

Alzheimer's disease (AD) generally begins with mild memory problems in an insidious manner and progresses to develop multiple cognitive as well as functional impairment within a few years. Currently, the diagnosis of AD requires multiple cognitive deficits including memory disturbance and exclusion of other dementing disorders. However, normal elderly people quite commonly complain of increasing forgetfulness with age. Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is generally regarded as an intermediate state between normal aging and dementia. In other words, MCI refers to persons that are not normal nor clinically diagnosed dementia. (Winblad et al. J. Intern. Med. 2004). When daily functioning is impaired as a result of cognitive decline, dementia is the appropriate diagnostic label. Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) aims at; 1) Major goal is collection of data and to establish a brain imaging and biomarker database; 2) Determine the optimum methods for acquiring and processing images for clinical trials; 3) Develop "standards" for imaging, biomarkers; 4) "Validate" imaging and biomarker data by correlating with behavioral data to facilitate new AD therapies by disease modifiers. Japan-ADNI will be started as a part of world wide ADNI. Currently, γ-secretase modifiers and Aβ aggregation inhibitors as well as amyloid vaccination are under clinical trials.

(臨床神経, 47:905−907, 2007)
key words:アルツハイマー病, 軽度認知障害, 根本治療薬, ADNI, バイオマーカー
