Rinsho Shinkeigaku (Clinical Neurology)

Symposium 2

Clinical and histopathological features of myositis associated with anti-mitochondrial antibodies

Jun Shimizu, M.D., Ph.D.1)

1)Department of Neurology, University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Medicine

Anti-mitochondrial antibodies (AMA) are known to be characteristic markers of primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC). The association of PBC with myositis has been reported mainly as case reports, and comprehensive studies of the clinical and histopathological features of patients with myositis and AMAs or PBC have not been conducted thus far. We retrospectively reviewed 212 patients with inflammatory myopathies in our laboratory and found 24 patients with AMApositive myositis (11%) (seven patients with PBC and 17 patients without PBC). The analysis of clinical and histopathological features revealed that myositis associated with AMAs frequently include patients with a clinically chronic disease course, muscle atrophy, cardiopulmonary involvement and granulomatous inflammation, regardless of the presence or absence of PBC. We also reviewed and analyzed the clinical features of previously reported patients. The analysis of 75 patients, which have been described in previous case reports including the ones of meeting abstracts, also showed the similar results about clinical features of myositis associated with AMAs and supported our findings. Our study suggests that myositis associated with AMAs form a characteristic subgroup.
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(CLINICA NEUROL, 53: 1114|1116, 2013)
key words: anti-mitochondrial antibodies, primary biliary cirrhosis, myositis

(Received: 30-May-13)