Rinsho Shinkeigaku (Clinical Neurology)

Original Article

Ischemic stroke under anticoagulant therapy

Yasuteru Inoue, M.D.1), Yuichiro Inatomi, M.D.1), Toshiro Yonehara, M.D.1), Yoichiro Hashimoto, M.D.2), Teruyuki Hirano, M.D.3) and Makoto Uchino, M.D.3)

1)Stroke Center, Saiseikai Kumamoto Hospital2)Department of Neurology, Kumamoto City Hospital3)Department of Neurology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kumamoto University

In order to determine predictive factors of stroke recurrence during anticoagulant therapy and to estimate prognosis, we retrospectively examined clinical data of 197 consecutive patients with acute ischemic stroke. The subjects were divided into two groups, within the therapeutic range group and below therapeutic range group, based on Japanese guidelines for the management of stroke 2004.Univariate analysis revealed that cardioembolic stroke patients were less frequent in the therapeutic range group (61% vs 77%; p=0.03), while more lacunar stroke patients were experienced (17% vs 6%; p=0.01). In patients with past history of cardioembolic stroke, significant favorable outcomes as of Barthel index (54 vs 33; p=0.03) and modified Rankin Scale (3 vs 4; p=0.04) were found within the therapeutic range group. There is a possibility that adequate anticoagulation prevents thrombogenesis or lead to early recanalization, especially in patients with past history of cardioembolic stroke.
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(CLINICA NEUROL, 50: 455|460, 2010)
key words: brain infarction, anticoagulant therapy, secondary prevention, recurrence

(Received: 23-Mar-09)