Rinsho Shinkeigaku (Clinical Neurology)

The 46th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Neurology

Improvement and evaluation of QOL for the patients with nanbyo, intractable diseases

Takashi Nakajima, M.D. & Ph.D.

Niigata National Hospital, National Hospital Organization, Dept. of Neurology

The intractable diseases that are nanbyo in Japanese, have been defined by the Ministry for establishing the care system. This article argued the key issues including narrative based approach, palliative care and SEIQoL-DW for improving and evaluating of QOL of the patients with nanbyo.

(CLINICA NEUROL, 45: 994|996, 2005)
key words: intractable disease, nanbyo, QOL, SEIQoL-DW, palliative care, narrative based approach, death with dignity, advance directives

(Received: 25-May-05)