Rinsho Shinkeigaku (Clinical Neurology)

The 45th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Neurology

How to examine a patient with higher cortical dysfunction at bedside

Katsuhiko Takeda, M.D.

Department of Neurology, Japanese Red Cross Medical Center

In practice, a neuropsychological evaluation may serve one or more purpose. The first systematic applications of neuropsychological assessment dealt with diagnosis. Before the days of sophisticated neuroimaging, the localization of a cerebral lesion was neuropsychology's most important function. Recent developments in neuroradiological techniques have greatly reduced the contributions of neuropsychological assessment to diagnosis and lesion localization. Today, neuropsychological assessment is most usually called upon for the detailed behavioral description necessary for intelligent patient care, for rational treatment, and for appropriate rehabilitation training.
When neurologists examines a patients with higher cortical dysfunction, they should bear the following points in mind. At first, good clinical history often holds the key to diagnosis. This is especially true in the neurologic and the neuropsychologic history. The examiners should not hesitate to ask the patient history before and during the neurolopsychological examinations, Secondly sometimes the patients with neuropsychological dysfunction do not recognize their disturbances. For example, the patients with apraxia or optic ataxia usually do not complain their disturbances. Only by storing the range of neuropsychological dysfunction in their mind can neurologists recognize these behavioral disturbances. Thirdly in neurology when we localize lesions of the nervous system, it is helpful to think about the major syndrome supervene with lesions at different anatomical levels, from the muscle to the cortex. Also in neuropsychology, for example, when we localize lesions of with speech disturbance it is useful to think about from the simplest level (the muscle) to the cortex. At last test in neuropsychological assessment can be used to establish a comparison standard -i.e. for estimating premorbid ability. The Wechsler test (WAIS-R) is one of the most frequently used measures in neuropsychological batteries. It is a core instrument, giving information about the overall level of intellectual functioning disability, and providing clues to altered functions.

(CLINICA NEUROL, 44: 834|836, 2004)
key words: higher brain dysfunction, history taking, WAIS-R

(Received: 13-May-04)