Rinsho Shinkeigaku (Clinical Neurology)

The 45th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Neurology

Postgraduate neurology training in new clinical training system

Toshihide Kumamoto, M.D., Ph.D.

Department of Neurology and Neuromuscular Disorders, Oita University Faculty of Medicine

Postgraduate neurology training in new clinical training system in Oita University Hospital was presented. Clinical intern training for first 2 years are performed according to programs proposed by Clinical Training Institute for Interns in Oita University Hospital. This program includes neurology for at least 1 month. Interns will get in clinical management for common and main neurological disorders such as convulsion, unconsciousness, stroke, Parkinson disease and intractable neurological disorders in addition to standard medical skills. Neurology resident training for specialist begins after clinical intern training and is performed in own program proposed by our department. However, the level of educational and training quality is not always high, because of the lack of teaching staff, and insufficient curriculums without rotation system to neuropathology and neuroradiology. To improve this educational program, we need to alter own well-established postgraduate educational programs. The quality of programs must to be approved by Japanese Society of Neurology.

(CLINICA NEUROL, 44: 1010|1011, 2004)
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(Received: 13-May-04)