Rinsho Shinkeigaku (Clinical Neurology)

The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Neurology

Symposium VIII: How apply the information technology to neurology?
1) Internet: an infrastructure of Evidence-based medicine in neurology

Shigekoto Kaihara, M.D.

Director, The Medical Information System Development Center

EBM is a cyclic process. Medical evidences are created in clinical trials, which are published in medical literatures. The medical literatures are converted to literature database, from which clinical practice guidelines are made. They are provided to the clinicians, from whom a new clinical research is born again.
Information technology, especially the use of internet has deeply related to every process of EBM, which is shown above. In clinical trials, data are accumulated through internet and the process is controlled by a coordinator using internet. In Japan, University Hospital Medical Information System (UMIN) has successfully provided such a tool to the clinical researchers. For the literature search, IT is mandatory and clinical practice guidelines are created on the base of various secondary information database, which are edited using advanced information technology Clinical practice guidelines are provided to hospitals through internet and they reach to the clinicians using a function of hospital information system, especillay electronic medical record.
In recent days, IT is an indispensable tool for daily practice of evidence-based medicine. However, in Japan the evidence has not been accumulated in national level, and for the future, the creation of national database of medical data should be explored.

(CLINICA NEUROL, 42: 1180|1181, 2002)
key words: Evidence-based medicine (EBM), literature search, clinical practice guideline, electronic medical record (EMR)

(Received: 31-May-02)